Partner training work

Partner training work help the player to find how to apply the particular power of the techniques that he/she has trained independently. Partner work is done to check or verify power, not to find or develop the power. The drills are friendly, but not overly cooperative. Partner work is not sparring, though, so the drills are more cooperative than not. Sometimes considerable force needs to be used to check the powers and skills. As with all abilities, one's ability in partner work improves with one's connectedness, which is developed in circle walking.

One should search out three partners: a partner much stronger than you, a partner much weaker than you, and a partner about your equal. Each can teach you something about your skills. Someone way beyond your skill/power level will give you a feel for what whole body power is. Someone at your own level gives you a chance to find the power yourself.  Someone below your level enables you to feel what it is like to apply the power. 

Remember that if you hurt your partner too much then they might not want to play with you again, but if you don't cause them difficulty (which may include some pain) then they don't learn much.

Partner training drills are repeated for a long time when done to fully find the power and help change the body. Do each drill for at least twenty minutes.  In the partner drills it is important to use the whole body power developed in the bear walking, and not to get carried away with trying to 'get' your partner.

If something is 'going wrong' it is not your partner's fault, but how you are dealing with what he/she is doing. Find the answer to your problem within yourself.

The Ma Gui system places some emphasis on Yin Fu's spearing palm, but it also trains many other techniques and has other training methods.

Website organized and written by Andrea Falk, interpreting the teaching of Li Baohua. The website of the international association is