Dragon walking

This trains controlling the partner and getting used to walking while spotting another person.

1. Not touching. Both partners take the dragon form with the arms towards each other but not touching. Walk around the circle. 

2. Touching. Both partners take the dragon form with the forearms touching and walk around the circle. Change sides by doing a chuanzhang as you koubu. This drill may also be considered to be chuangzhang walking.

Do not walk too fast. Your goal is to be comfortable. If your partner walks too quickly for your comfort, do not speed up – take the circle out wider so that they have to chase after you.

Do not adjust the height of your arm to the height of your partner. Again, the goal is to be comfortable. If you are taller, use your height advantage – keep your arm up. This makes the shorter person nervous about you dropping down. If you are shorter, use your scooping up advantage – keep your arm at your own shoulder height. This makes the taller person nervous about you coming in low.

Website organized and written by Andrea Falk, interpreting the teaching of Li Baohua. The website of the international association is www.maguibagua.com.