
This method trains the full connection of the dantian and lower back to whatever technique you are doing. This training should not be done until the dan is full and the back is very strong. Always use the body, not the arms. Always align for a solid daishou, fairly square to the pull. There are many methods of practising shuanyao, and eight basic methods. They are not in any particular order.

Walking around the circle, keep the arms in crab posture and do shuanyao.

Walking around the circle, reach to daishou, catch the elbow, then catch your opponent to prevent him from falling.

Keeping back on the outside leg, stepping lead then rear foot, moving around the circle, reach and do a short daishou.

Walking around the circle, stepping lead foot, rear foot, lead foot, doing fairly relaxed shuanyao with one arm.

Sit in forward mabu, reach quite far and daishou.

Sit in mabu and alternate directions of full shuanyao.

Website organized and written by Andrea Falk, interpreting the teaching of Li Baohua. The website of the international association is