5. Eagle

The special power of the eagle is its ability to soar endlessly without flapping its wings. This is the power we emulate in the circle-walking and the techniques related to the eagle feeling. Circle-walking in the eagle model prepares the body to use straight arm techniques to throw the opponent while retaining balance. On the external level, it fixes weak shoulders and develops the deltoids. Mentally, it opens up the spirit like an eagle soaring in the sky, seeing everything. Although still walking in the circle, you sense everything around you.

Eagle Circle-walking

Hold both arms almost straight, palms up, with the body turned so that the arms are along the arc of the circle. Think of spreading your wings. Think also of soaring with the wind pushing you up – your power is not in lifting your arms but in pressing them down from the body core.

Eagle has special qiezhang, fanbeichui, tanzhang, and chuanzhang. 

Website organized and written by Andrea Falk, interpreting the teaching of Li Baohua. The website of the international association is www.maguibagua.com.